First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Undesirable behaviors and medical issues do not necessarily create problems in placement, however, NOT disclosing those problems does. Dishonest or incomplete answers can undermine the safety and happiness of both your dog, and the new adopting family. Select "Yes" if you declare that everything you enter on your dog's application is true and correct.
Including yourself, please list the names and ages of ALL persons in your household
Was your dog previously adopted from Lucky Lab Rescue?
If yes, please provide his/her name at adoption and the year adopted.
If you adopted your dog from Lucky Lab Rescue, and have behavior concerns, have you worked with a trainer, as required by your Lucky Lab Adoption Contract? (If you did not obtain your dog from Lucky Lab Rescue, and have behavior concerns, have you worked with a trainer?) Please explain:
Has your dog ever bitten, nipped, or snapped at any human or other animal? If so, when? Please describe the incident(s) in detail.
Is your dog people friendly with everyone? If not, please be detailed and specific and let us know who your dog does NOT get along with.
Is your dog kid friendly? Does your dog live with children in your home? If yes, what age(s)? Would you recommend a home with children?
Is your dog dog-friendly? If not, please be detailed and specific and let us know what dogs it doesn't get along with, in what situations, and why.
Is your dog cat friendly? Would you recommend placing your dog in a home with cats?
How does your dog react to other dogs while on leash?
How does your dog react to other dogs when off leash?
Has your dog ever bitten any human, or other animal, and drawn blood or caused severe injury or death? If so, when? Please describe the incident(s) in detail.
Does your dog have any behavioral concerns? If yes, please be specific and honest about all issues.
Does your dog have any medical concerns? If yes, please be specific and detailed about all concerns.
Does your dog have any positive points? If yes, please be detailed and specific about each one.
How long are you able to keep your dog? (Please be specific: until a certain date, 1 week, 1 month, until adoption)
Is your dog spayed or neutered? If yes, please note surgery date. If not, please explain why.
How did you get your dog? (breeder, rescue, shelter, rehomed, found, etc.) If from a breeder/rescue/shelter/rehomed, is there a contract that specifies what you must do with the dog if you are no longer able to keep it?
Is your dog microchipped? If yes, what brand? What is the microchip number? Is the dog registered to you?
Including yours, how many homes has your dog had?
How long have you had your dog?
How many other pets do you have? Please list: name, breed, and age of each.
Would you recommend placing your dog in a home with other dogs? Why or why not?
Explain how your dog was confined to your property while outside: Fenced in yard (height), tied up (chain/runner), electronic pet containment (brand), kennel, dog house, etc.
Has your dog ever escaped confinement? If yes, what kind and how?
Is your dog housebroken? If no, please describe how often he/she urinates/defecates in your home on a daily basis.
Is your dog crate trained?
Yes, and likes it
Yes, but doesn't like it
No, doesn't like it
Unknown/don't crate
If your dog is crate trained, how long does he/she spend in the crate each day?
Is your dog destructive if left alone in the house?
Please check all that apply
chews furniture
chews woodwork/doors
chews clothing/shoes
chews toys/stuffed animals
chews fences/gates
gets into trashcans
no - he/she is not destructive
Is your dog protective or posessive toward any of the following?
Please check all that apply
food (to people)
food (to other pets)
of his/her body
toys (to people)
toys (to other pets)
of his/her owner or family
no - he/she is not protective or posessive of anything
Please check all that apply in regard to your dog:
has attended daycare
has formal training
goes to the dog park
walks well on leash
doesn't walk well on leash
prone to digging
likes to try to escape
displays separation anxiety
prone to chewing
prone to eating foreign objects
has bitten someone
seems to bark at everything
has fears
has been in altercations with other dogs
fence fights with other dogs
enjoys car rides
doesn't like car rides/gets car sick
has storm anxiety
likes the vet
doesn't like the vet
enjoys fetching
likes to swim
Describe your dog's play style with other dogs:
Please check all that apply
plays with all dogs
does not enjoy playing with other dogs
plays chase with little or no body contact
shares toys/plays quietly
has to be in charge in play situations
barks constantly
plays hard with hip checks/body slams
gets overly excited
play can escalate to a fight
Does your dog have any quirks we need to know about? Please be detailed and specific.
Is your dog spayed or neutered? If yes, please note surgery date. If not, please explain why.
Has your dog received routine veterinary care (at least once a year)?
What is the name and phone number of your dog's vet?
Please list the dates your dog has received each of the following vaccines: Rabies, Distemper, Parvo, & Bordatella
When was your dog's last heartworm test? Was it negative or positive?
Health History
check all that apply
ear infections
worms (tape, hook, whip, round, etc.)
food allergies
skin allergies
environmental allergies
K9 cough
thyroid disease
entropian/extropian eye issues
eye infections
irritable bowel
hip displasia
lyme disease
no known health concerns
Please explain any health conditions listed above:
Has your dog ever been seriously injured or had any major surgeries? If so, please explain.
Is your dog on any medications? If so, please list:
Is your dog on a monthly heartworm medication? If so, what product?
Is your dog on a monthly flea/tick prevention? If so, what product?
Does your dog allow you to do the following? Check all that apply:
clip nails
give a bath
be brushed
clean ears
no - he/she does not allow me to groom him/her
What do you feed your dog? Please list specific brand name, frequency feed, and amount:
Please explain in detail why you wish to surrender your dog to Lucky Lab Rescue and Adoption:
Please gather pictures and videos of your dog, AS WELL AS, copies of all vet records. You will be asked to email them should we contact you to move forward with your application.
NOTE: By submitting this application, I certify that I am the sole owner of this dog. I understand this is an application ONLY and does NOT obligate surrender or guarantee acceptance to Lucky Lab Rescue and Adoption (LLR). I understand that LLR reserves the right to ask for a surrender fee from the owner to offset anticipated costs in preparing this dog for adoption. I understand that if this dog presents with any behavior concerns, LLR reserves the right to require that you provide a written behavior assessment from a certified trainer as part of the application process. I understand LLR has the right to accept or deny my surrender application.
I understand